| From ‘The Western Daily Mercury’- 8th March 1876
The Emigration Depot at Plymouth is at Present inhabited by 300 emigrants who are awaiting the arrival at this port from London of the Merchant Shipping Company’s ship ‘Star of India’, Captain Holloway, for conveyance to the colony of New South Wales. The ‘Star of India’ was towed as far as Beachy Head on Thursday last, but has not as yet arrived, being detained in the channel by the contrary winds. The New South Wales colony appears to be a most desirable spot for persons to settle in. Mechanise and labourers of all classes are in active demand and cannot be supplied nearly as fast as they are required. In their estimates for the ensuing year the Government propose to expend the sum of £50,000 in emigration and only objection offered to the amount by the Opposition side of the House is that the amount is far too small and that a larger grant should be voted for the purpose. Mr. H. H. Speed-Andrews, R.N., the despatching officer for the Colonial Government, is in Plymouth, and from him I learn that a large number of persons are coming forward and applying for passages.
The new road leading to the Great Western Docks is nearly completed. The demolition of the wretched bridge across Gill’s dock has taken place, not a day too soon, and in its place we have now an excellent roadway. Other improvements are to take place. The wall which divides the road leading to West Hoe, and the road leading down to the docks is to be removed, and the roadway lowered which will make the approach to the docks what it should be. Then I hear that the offices of Mr. H. J. Waring, and the offices adjoining are to be removed and a kind of pier made for the steamtenders, which attend on the mailboats to come alongside. The Pier Hotel will cease to be used as such, and Mr. Waring will have his office in that building. Another firm will also, I learn, have a branch office in the same house. All these improvements are most desirable, and the company who now own the docks, and Mr. Rooney, who, I suspect in the leading spirit in all the suggestions, are deserving of prise for the spirited manner in which they have of late taken the matter up.